This picture is one long tableful and there were two more long sets of tables forming a U around the center where the bidders sat.
I didn't think they would be worth much for two reasons. One, he didn't keep the boxes that they came in, and two, he had engraved his driver's license number on each one.
But, my friends, after auctioneer, advertising, and other expenses, I had a check for just about $12,000. Isn't that amazing!
I had a few uncomfortable feelings about selling his collection, but it is nice to know that some went to children, to grandchildren, and to collectors who appreciate their value.
This morning was brutally cold at 14 below zero. The water in the barn was frozen but I am partially to blame because I didn't think to take the nozzle off the hose. I got it thawed out by removing the nozzle and then sticking a little heater into the insulated water closet/thingy that the neighbors built for me. Remember? - here for a picture.