EEEHAW! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Celeste is 34 days pregnant. Russ, our vet, just left after ultrasounding her. I was holding on to her head and neck and he's got the probe up there (somewhere), while he's looking at the little camera on his headband. She's squirming a little, I'm getting nervous holding this 200 pound alpaca, and he asks if I want to see..... Just tell me and get this over, she's not going to stand much longer. Actually he then took a picture and told me one of the little dots was the embryo. Guess I have to believe him. He said it's really cool to see the little heart beating. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ariana, the other girl, isn't far enough along for him to ultrasound really (21 days) but he took a look anyway and thinks maybe he saw something. We drew blood from her to do a progesterone test. Should know in a few days. The sample will go to Michigan State in Lansing, just 30 miles or so down the road.