Friday, March 30, 2007
Homefront Update Before Trip

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Barn Crisis

Sunday, March 25, 2007
Grandgirls' Weekend

What fun! We had the granddaughters for the weekend. Their dad is the doctor for MSU's hockey team which played in a tournament Friday and Saturday in Grand Rapids. State WON! He and our daughter had to go so we got to care for the girls. Meredith, on left, got about a foot woven on my loom while younger sister, Elizabeth, played on the computer.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Lace Knitting Workshop

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Wet Barn Morning
I mentioned a couple days ago that we moved these two little guys from their moms. It rained, thundered, and lightninged most of the night. When I went to the barn this a.m., the weaning pen had water standing in it. Yuck! Can you see how wet Pollux (on right) is? I set up a make shift pen on dry cement with some extra panels that we have. As you can see, little Orion is all cushed down and comfortable, but Pollux is all nervous. I think they enjoyed watching me cleaning the horses stalls. Those stalls had standing water also so I had to shovel them out and put in clean, dry sawdust.
My husband worked this morning. He's a retired high school principal but supervises student teachers for Central Michigan University. I got to cope with this mess myself. I'm tired, wet, cold, and stinky. I'm going to take a warm shower and then spin while I watch The View.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Dyeing Day
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Merino Lamb Fleece
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Weaning Day
Today was weaning day for these two little darlings. Pollux, on the left, was born last May, and Orion was born in September. You might know, Pollux, four months older, is doing the most moaning for mom. I guess I'm not surprised because his mom, Lady Belita, is a timid girl. Orion has much more confidence. We nicknamed him SLAMMER because he was always charging into the big girls. The moms aren't upset at all. In fact, I think they are quite relieved. We will have to check moms occasionally to watch for mastitis but I think they had pretty much taken care of the nursing process.
My town, Ithaca, had a Women's Day today in the shops uptown. Our knit shop, Sip-N-Knit invited me and some friends up to spin. Is so much fun to explain to people what we are doing. They act like it's a magic show. I managed to get two ounces spun up while visiting.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Weaving Progress

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Gloomy Spinning Day

Received a spinning order for about 700 yards of gray. I discovered that I had just enough of Rouge's baby fleece left to fill this order. It is going to be awesome yarn but a little slow because of the VM (vegetable matter). Cria fleeces are typically a little dirty. The fiber is so fine that hay, straw, anything... sticks like velcro.
Stayed close to home today because my Golden, Cassie, has an upset stomach. After giving her some PeptoBismol she seems much better.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Day in the Barn
Monday, March 12, 2007
First day at blogging
Tomorrow our vet is coming to implant microchips into two babies (cria). This isn't really a very scary thing anymore. He, the vet, has this needle like thing holding the chip and he injects it in the back of the alpaca's head. Usually, the little darlings don't even jump. In order to go to an alpaca show, they all need to be chipped. These two, 6 month old, brown Orion, and 10 month old, white Pollux have a show coming up in May. We have been working on halter training these two and they are coming along very well. To make it interesting to them, we walk down the road, through poles on the ground type mazes, over a bridge, and even take them over little jumps that we make from the horses jumps.
I am half way through a skein of beautiful light fawn alpaca fiber from an alpaca named Beau. This is awesome fiber to spin. The term "spins like butter" certainly applies here. I will list it in my Etsy shop as soon as I finish.