This is what greets me after my morning commute of 100 steps to the barn. The Girls! Actually, there are 10, not the 8 that you see here. They are always cushed down like this waiting for their morning pellets. The little door that you see on the top right is for the young'uns. The big girls can't get in there so I can keep hay and pellets For Babies Only.
And just below the door, you can see their poop place. Alpacas are so easy to clean up after because they use a communal bathroom. Tidy little darlings, aren't they?

....and here is the yard/pasture that my neighbor woman and I completed yesterday. This is part of my Cut Back on Mowing project. That lovely grass should be eaten, not mowed, right? We cut apart part of Cord's fencing and put a gate in and then wired a large area for him to graze on. I'm so proud to say that I pounded in metal t-posts on the corners and then stepped in these plastic posts. A hot wire runs across the top and then a tape with electricity runs under it. The most time consuming thing was getting the electricity to work. As it turned out the deer knocked out the big pasture again - in three places and after splicing those, we had power.
The horse that you see here is my Ivan on his way out to his own pasture. He's a big guy (Percheron/Thoroughbred) but pretty good at dressage and jumping.
nice job on the pasture! im sure it was a lot of work! i like how all your alpacas are looking at you. it is like they are saying "yes food is here!"
I love that the alpacas are so tidy. That is great. They look so sweet. It almost makes me want to move away from the city so I could have some pacas!
Well done you, it's great when you look back at what you've managed isn't it.
What a brilliant idea..why not, better than mowing !...nice pictures of the alpacas and your lovely big horse....Jayne
awesome job! almost shearing time?!
Ohhh, your alpacas look so soft and (though I hate overpersonifying animals) wise! =)
So here's my silly question: Do alpacas play? And if so, what do they do? =)
Just at the moment our herd would love your comfy warm looking barn. We finally have rain and when I say rain I don't mean a little shower I mean lots of the stuff. It is great for our water tanks but we have been running around trying to coat as many of the younger ones as we can. Digging trenches to shift the water from the paddocks so they don't have to stand in puddles at feeding time.
We are converts to four legged mowers as well they do a great job.
Sarah and Perry
Hi Maple...thanks so much for visiting my blog! I have a new found love in alpacas after my visit of that farm yesterday. I just LOVE the personality they show! After feeling the soft yarn from their wool, it really makes me wish I were a knitter! lol Have a great weekend! ~~Annie
How elegant and demure the girls look! :D
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