Monday, January 28, 2008
Present for my Spinning Wheel
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Dyeing Raw Alpaca

I soaked this fleece last night in Dawn and the hottest tap water I could get for a couple of hours and gently drained it in the sink with the drain open. Removed it and filled the sink with warm water and a big glug of white vinegar and let it set overnight.
I put it into my crock pot this morning and sort of divided the area into thirds and dotted Jacquard dry powder to produce the three colors you see here. Poured boiling water over and sort of poked a little to get the colors distributed but not running together. Cooked for 30 minutes and let cool on its own. Rinsed a couple of times and spun out in my washing machine.
Now I don't quite know what I'm going to do with it. It's quite lovely just as it is. I could spin it just like that, I could card it, I could sell it. Maybe I'll just leave it on the kitchen counter to admire for a while.....
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Awesome Crochet Hat

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Looking forward to Spring and Cria-tion
Etsy Fame
Oh, my, friends, I'm famous! My Etsy friend, Shalana of thefunkyfelter, has published an article in the Etsy Storque. And I'm in it.....a whole paragraph. Go take a look:
Some of my readers will recognize the picture of naughty, gray Gunny when he first arrived here. Boris, the other gray, was putting him in place.
Some of my readers will recognize the picture of naughty, gray Gunny when he first arrived here. Boris, the other gray, was putting him in place.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Hat Recipe for Peggy
My Kentucky cyber friend, Peggy, asked for the pattern of the hat on my last post. I sort of made it up as I went along. So here it is, Peg. Hope I can make it clear.
I held two strands of DK to worsted handspun together for the whole hat.
Cast on 105 stitches on US# 4 circular needle. (I always start off with a smaller size needle 'cause I always use my alpaca which doesn't have a lot of memory)
Knit the pattern for an inch or so and change to US#7
Row 1 - Slip 1, Knit 2, Pass Slipped Stitch Over (psso) the 2 knits, Purl 2
Row 2 - K 1, Yarn Over, K 1, P 2
Row 3 - K 3, P 2
Row 4 - K 3, P 2
Knit pattern for about 6 1/2 inches and begin decrease.
For this decrease, I think I first knitted 2 together to make 104 stitches.
Round 1 - Knit 6, Knit 2 together to end of round
Round 2 - Knit
Round 3 - Knit 5, Knit 2 together
Round 4 - Knit
I continued this to end, somewhere changing to double ended needles.
I held two strands of DK to worsted handspun together for the whole hat.
Cast on 105 stitches on US# 4 circular needle. (I always start off with a smaller size needle 'cause I always use my alpaca which doesn't have a lot of memory)
Knit the pattern for an inch or so and change to US#7
Row 1 - Slip 1, Knit 2, Pass Slipped Stitch Over (psso) the 2 knits, Purl 2
Row 2 - K 1, Yarn Over, K 1, P 2
Row 3 - K 3, P 2
Row 4 - K 3, P 2
Knit pattern for about 6 1/2 inches and begin decrease.
For this decrease, I think I first knitted 2 together to make 104 stitches.
Round 1 - Knit 6, Knit 2 together to end of round
Round 2 - Knit
Round 3 - Knit 5, Knit 2 together
Round 4 - Knit
I continued this to end, somewhere changing to double ended needles.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Glittery Alpaca Hat

This hat was mostly left over yarn. When I 2 ply (put two spindles of singles together going the opposite direction), I will frequently have a little of one spindle left over. Even though I weigh two equal piles of roving, it's almost impossible to have them come out perfectly. So as not to waste those yards of singles, I do one of two things. I might Navaho Ply it which is using the 1 single to get a 3 ply yarn, sort of like finger crocheting. Or I might ply it with some glitter thread that I got from ThreadBear in Lansing. (They are really nice. I just called them and they mailed some to me.)
I used those glittery leftovers and knit them along with a brownish handspun yarn that I spun up quite a while ago. If you click on the picture, you can enlarge it to see the glitter.
The pattern on the bottom is that simple, fake cable stitch. I had intended to knit the pattern to the top, but somewhere made a mistake and just did the ribbing so that the mistake wouldn't show. I can't tear out, unknit, tink, or whatever you guys call it. If I can't find a way to keep going, I have to start all over. Well, at least I think I do.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Jocelyn's Green Alpaca Hat

This hat is from yarn from our white alpaca, Pollux, that I hand dyed. So go visit her shop and keep a close eye on it because she is a beautiful knitter.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Girls Go Wild

Friday, January 11, 2008
Majacraft Dyeing Magic

She came with the plastic spindles and I was told by several folks that I could dye on them - but haven't found anyone who actually does. I tried it and how fun! (I normally spin with my Woolee Winder).
I mixed a little Periwinkle and Hot Fuschia powder together, poured hot water on it and mixed it up. From past experience I know that the Periwinkle will pop out some pink somehow.
I dumped the dye solution into my dye kettle with some almost boiling water. I eased two spindles of white handspun (that had been soaking in a vinegar/water solution overnight) into the hot water, and let it simmer for about an hour.
In the picture I smooshed some of the blue aside so that you can see the pink underneath. This was all a nice surprise, because I expected the inside to be white. See below for the yarn. ↓
Spindle Dyed Alpaca

Thursday, January 10, 2008
SarahJo from Grand Rapids, MI

I have just one skein of this lovely yarn left. It is a blend of Lady Belita and white Merino sheep that Stonehedge spun up for me. I love to send fiber to Stonehedge because it is a small family operation in East Jordan, Michigan.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
A Successful Experiment

I need to share this happy little experiment with you. I finished dyeing the roving on the left and quite a lot of dye was left in my crock pot. So, I poured it into the canning jar, added a glug of white vinegar, and stuffed in the little 95 yard ball of handspun that was waiting for a project in my knitting basket. I zapped it in the microwave for 3 minutes and let it cool. The color was totally exhausted and the yarn came out beautiful because the outer part of the ball was much darker than the inside. Really pretty as you can see below. It was in my Etsy store about five hours before it sold.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
I Do ♥ to Dye

For those interested in how I'm dyeing this alpaca roving - the rest of you just skip this paragraph - I'm soaking the roving in warm vinegar water for about half an hour. Then I add a wet layer (no, I'm not spinning it out) round and round in my crock pot. I use a popsicle stick to add just a titch of the dye powder on top of the wet roving. Then I carefully pour boiling water from my tea kettle over the roving and dye powder. I gently poke the dye with a big plastic spoon to get it to spread a little. I continue layering about 4 times while keeping the same color on top of the underneath color. I have used only 3 different colors with this method. The crock pot was set on high when I started and I cover and simmer for about 30 minutes. Then the hard part - unplug and leave alone to cool...... I try to handle the dyed roving very gently while rinsing and spinning out in my washing machine. I'm pretty pleased with this method because the fiber is hardly felting at all.
I'm all concerned about running out of fiber so have been on line searching for two days now. So far I have ordered a medium fawn blanket that took a blue ribbon at a show, and some black from a herd sire. I have so many connections going right now that I'm confusing myself. I found a farm that will sell me some white roving for a very reasonable price. These folks have all agreed to send me pictures of the alpacas so that I can show them with the fiber that will be for sale. I would still like to find some nice white.
I've ordered 5 pounds of McMurray's awesome white merino to blend with my alpaca after we shear. I've decided that the only fibers worthy of blending into the alpaca are really good merino and silk. Having said that, I do think some of Edie's mohair from Spinning Moon Farm will make it into our rovings.
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