Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This is my most recent purchase from Etsy - a Sett Gauge, or a yarn wraps per inch (WPI) gauge. My wheel needed a really nice gauge and since she deserves the best, here it is. I really love beautiful wood which has nothing to do with my name - heh, heh. This is from Kingwood, which has a slight lavender tinge with darker graining patterns.
I like to measure the WPI right after I ply a skein, before I wind and wash it. Some of my alpaca yarn does puff up a little after washing though.

Visit Fred and Grace Hatton's shop. They are from Lords Valley, Pennsylvania, and raise Finn sheep.


Lisa said...

That wood looks beautiful. Thanks for the link.

Laughingrat said...

Ooohhhhh, I was *just* looking at those the other day. I told myself that I couldn't spin consistently enough yet to deserve/need a sett gauge, but seeing one of their pieces more up close like that...maybe I need one after all?

It is about time for me to do a Seen Around Etsy post myself, there's a knitting-bag maker who caught my eye...

Over The Top Aprons said...

So please you liked the little apron story - and oh,my, to you ... congrats. on your son, Dr. Smith! Isn't it fun to be a "proud" parent!
